We welcome all input, suggestions and recommendations for improvements and new features to the ESDHUB. If you have a suggestion, simply complete the "Push your Idea" form below - giving as much detail about the feature required. Then other members can upvote your request and when it reaches a certain number of upvotes, it will automatically be placed on the Roadmap Schedule and actioned for development and implementation.
Feature Request
Get your idea to 100 to be reviewed
- 2Scraped eTendersPublish eTenders to ESD Hub Publish TROs on ESD Hub to eTenders - need developers of eTenders to provide API
- 2PDF of TRO to send to newspaperAdd a method to create a newspaper add in PDF format that can be sent to newspapers for publication
- 1Job Board and ListingsCreate a job board for CVs and job openings - for personnel related to Procurement, B-BBEE and so on
- 1Closing of tenders awardedAllow for more information to be input for statistical purposes eg # of submissions for the tender, value of tender, etc.
- 1Dealine Calendar exportExport the deadline calender in ical format for Google or Outlook or 365
- 1Deadline warning alertAutomated sending to suppliers # days before the deadline of a TRO
- 1Courses and TrainingSet up a members only area for free and paid courses. Identify topics.
- 1Analytics and StatisticsImprove on the reporting for each business with regard to stats, supplier listings, activities, etc. Need stakeholder input here.
- 1Live online chat and ticket based support system for use by all stakeholdersLive online chat and ticket based support system for use by all stakeholders